infants (6 weeks - 12 months)

huntingdon valley, PA

STEM program for babies

“STEM for babies” Our infants are the first to be introduced to our STEM curriculum. They are introduced to the concept of sensory play as they learn and make sense of their environment. We also provide opportunities for them to explore and investigate their surroundings using their five senses. They are also exposed to developmentally appropriate STEM activities, toys, and materials inside and outside of the classroom that stimulate their growth and development. We provide a clean, safe, and nurturing environment. Language development is very important during the early years and may look different as they go through the six stages. Their curriculum provides opportunities for them to be exposed to new vocabulary words to improve their language skills. Language develops in babies’ brains before they can talk. We also introduce babies to different STEM concepts and books at an early age so they can develop a scientific vocabulary.

Introducing STEM Concepts to Babies Can Offer a Range Of Benefits

Early Cognitive Development
Engaging with STEM concepts helps develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning skills from an early age.
Curiosity and Exploration
STEM activities encourage curiosity and a natural inclination to explore the world, fostering a lifelong love for learning.
Spatial Awareness and Fine Motor Skills
Playing with building blocks and puzzles helps babies develop spatial awareness and refine their fine motor skills.
Language Development
Talking about STEM concepts with babies introduces them to new vocabulary and encourages language development.
Pattern Recognition
STEM activities often involve recognizing patterns, which is a fundamental skill in mathematics and various aspects of problem-solving.
Creativity and Innovation
STEM activities can stimulate creativity and innovation by encouraging babies to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions.
Early Exposure to Technology
Familiarity with basic technology can be valuable in today's digital age, and early exposure can help babies adapt to technological advancements.
Preparation for Future Education
A solid foundation in STEM concepts can provide a strong basis for future academic success, especially in subjects like math and science.
Real-world Application
Even at a young age, babies can begin to understand how STEM concepts are applied in everyday life, making learning more tangible and relatable.
Parent-Child Bonding
Engaging in STEM activities with your baby can be a bonding experience, providing opportunities for shared learning and exploration.

What Research Says About STEM For Babies

For infants and toddlers, the exploration of STEM is part of the development of lifelong learning skills in cognitive development and approaches to learning. Early STEM experiences help develop wonder, persistence, communication, problem-solving, and mental flexibility. It is important to note that these skills depend on a child’s developmental abilities and interests and on the extent to which they have a caring, supportive, and secure relationship with their caregiver.

(Copple & Bredekamp 2009; NAEYC 2019).